Emotional & Relational Intelligence (ERQ)

ERQ is an assessment driven program designed to help you understand and improve your ERQ so you can better Discover, Empower, & Connect.

Our Products


Your personal & relationship strengths


You to develop your EQ & RQ skills


More effectively with others at work & in your personal life

Our Products

ERQ Book

The book “It’s All About Relationships” is designed as a self-help book that contains a comprehensive overview of the Emotional and Relational Intelligence (ERQ) model and skills. This skill-based book is designed to help you develop and maintain healthy and happy relationships. The book describes how to use these skills in four important areas of your life: Personal, Work, Couple/Marriage and Family.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) contains four skills which are emotional awareness, emotional expression, emotional management and anger management. Relational Intelligence (RQ) also contains four relationship skills which are communication, conflict resolution, cohesion (closeness) and change (flexibility). The book contains in-depth information about each of these eight skills and provides suggestions on how to develop these skills to enhance all your relationships.

This book is even more helpful when paired with the online ERQ Assessment. The assessment provides personal information about your Emotional and Relational skills. Using your assessment results with relevant chapters in the book will enable you to develop more skills.

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ERQ Online Assessment

The ERQ Assessment is online and it provides you with 20 page ERQ Personal Report that identifies your skill levels in regard to Emotional Intelligence and Relational Intelligence. There are four Emotional skills which are: emotional awareness, emotional expression, emotional management and anger management. The four Relational skills are: communication, conflict resolution, cohesion (closeness) and change (flexibility).

The goal of the assessment is to identify how you now use these skills and provide suggestions on how you can improve each of these eight skills. In addition to exercises built into the assessment, the ERQ book, “It’s All about Relationships,”

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ERQ Training

The overall goals of ERQ Training are to help you learn about your ERQ level of emotional and relational skills and to teach you how to improve your ERQ skills. DISCOVER—your current level of emotional and relational skills EMPOWER--you to increase your current skill level CONNECT—more effectively with others at work and in your personal life.

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About Emotional & Relational Intelligence (ERQ)

Check out the "About ERQ" to learn more about the power of the ERQ Program. The Program involves taking the ERQ assessment and using it as a guide in reading the ERQ book and doing the ERQ Exercises.

Multiple Goals

Stress & Satisfaction

Enhance the Effectiveness

Theoretical Foundation

ERQ Overview

ERQ Self-Training Program

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52 sec
29 sec
68 sec
25 sec
35 sec

The Power of Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationships are a key to physical and psychological health. This is the conclusion of Robert Waldinger, MD, Director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development.

What makes us happy? Dr. Waldinger directed a major longitudinal study of health and happiness and reviewed many other studies. He found that it was not achievement, money, exercise, and healthy diet that made people healthy and happy. It was the quality and quantity of healthy relationships.

He found that “Positive relationships keep us happier, healthier and help us live longer.” “Close relationships, more than money or fame are what keeps people happy throughout their lives.” Close relationships protect people from discontent, help to delay mental and physical decline and are better predictors of long and happy lives more than social class, IQ, or even genes. These findings proved true across the board for the major study of Harvard men and inter-city participants.

On Ted Talk, Dr. Waldinger described findings from his major longitudinal study described in his book What Makes a Good Life. Marital satisfaction had a protective effect on people’s mental health. People in happy marriages reported their moods did not suffer even when they had physical pain. Those in unhappy marriages felt both emotional and physical pain.

People who kept warm relationships lived longer and were happier, while those with few friends and were loners tended to die earlier. Dr. Waldinger concluded: “Loneliness kills.” It is as powerful a killer as smoking or alcoholism. Researchers found those with strong social support experienced less mental deterioration as they aged.

Another expert on aging is George Viallant who wrote a book entitled Aging Well. He discovered that good relationships don’t just protect our bodies, they also protect our brains. When his study began, nobody seemed to care about the importance of empathy or attachment. He concluded that: “The key to healthy aging is relationships, relationships, relationships.”