Frequently Asked Questions

What is ERQ?

ERQ stands for Emotional and Relational Intelligence. Emotional intelligence (EQ) has been around for over 20 years and focuses on four key emotional areas: emotional awareness, emotional expression, emotional management and anger management. Studies have found that people with a high EQ tend to be more happy and are more liked and successful.

RQ stands for Relational Intelligence and there are four key relationship skills which are: communication, conflict resolution, cohesion (closeness) and change (flexibility). These skills have also been studied for over 20 years. The finding is that people with these relationship skills tend to have more happy relationships with others.

What is unique is that combining these two major skill areas into ERQ enhances the power of both EQ and RQ. In addition, RQ skills are assessed in four areas of life: Personal, Work, Couple/Marriage and Family. This provides a more comprehensive picture of a person’s skills in various relationships.

What are the Goals of ERQ?

The overall goals of ERQ are:

  • DISCOVER — your personal and relationship strengths
  • EMPOWER — you to develop your EQ & RQ skills
  • CONNECT — more effectively with others at work & in your personal life.

The specific goals of ERQ are:

  • Increase your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Relational Intelligence j(RQ).
  • Maximize your ERQ skills so that you can deal with stressful issues.
  • Build relational skills you can use in all aspects of your life.
  • Increases your productivity and effectiveness at work.
  • Improve your ability to manage your personal and family relationships.
  • Increase your satisfaction in all your relationships.

Does ERQ have an assessment?

Yes, ERQ has an online assessment that provides a comprehensive picture of your emotional and relationship skills. You will receive a 20 page ERQ Personal Report after your complete the online assessment.

This scientific assessment focuses on four Emotional Intelligence (EQ) areas and four Relational Intelligence areas (RQ). The assessment also creates a systematic Profile of Stress, Satisfaction and the four RQ areas for various relationships in your life: Personal, Work, Couple/Marriage and Family.

All of the training on ERQ is driven by the results from the ERQ assessment. Whether you are reading the ERQ Book (It’s All About Relationships) or attending a ERQ Workshop, the assessment provides you with the feedback about where you are now. The ERQ Assessment enables you to know your strengths and areas where you could improve your emotional and relationship skills.

Is the ERQ Assessment Scientifically Valid?

The ERQ was scientifically develop and the scales have high levels of reliability and validity. There are reliable which means that if you take the assessment today and then tomorrow, you will get similar results. There are several types of validity, but the most important is that the scales provide you with an honest picture of your ERQ skills.