About Emotional & Relational
Intelligence (ERQ)
ERQ is designed to help you achieve these specific goals:
Increase your Relationship Intelligence (RQ) & Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
Maximize your strengths & deal constructively with problematic issues.
Build relationship skills (RQ) you can use in all aspects of your life.
Achieve better balance in your life.
Increase your productivity & effectiveness with others at work and at home.
Manage personal, familial & organizational stress.
Increase your life satisfaction.

ERQ skills help reduce the impact of stress and increase satisfaction
The ERQ Skills (4 Pillars for Each Area of Life) help you reduce stress in your life and increase your satisfaction. So the greater the ERQ skills, the greater the reduction of stress and increase in satisfaction.

ERQ can enhance the effectiveness of any training program:

Theoretical Foundation:
- The assessment identifies strengths in all areas of life.
- Strengths are a major resource for improving resiliency.
- Stress and satisfaction in one area of life can impact other areas of life.
- Resources (EQ and RQ) from one area of life can benefit other areas.
- Learn how neuroplasticity impacts your interpersonal effectiveness.
- Mindfulness (self and situational awareness) helps build resilience and well-being.
- Stress negatively impacts satisfaction.
- EQ and RQ helps manage stress and increase satisfaction.
About the Authors

is Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota and Founder of PREPARE-ENRICH. He is past President of the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) and past President of the Upper Midwest Association for Marital and Family Therapy (UMAMFT). He has received a variety of awards for his research, couple assessments and innovative programs from over 10 national associations. He has written more than 20 books and over 100 articles on topics related to marriage and family. His books include: Couple Checkup, Smart Stepfamily Marriage, Empowering Couples, Building Relationships, & Power in Families. He developed the popular Circumplex Model (Couple and Family Map) and a variety of couple and family assessment tools including FACES & PREPARE-ENRICH. He has appeared numerous times on national television including the NBC Today Show, CBS Morning Show, ABC Good Morning America, and the Oprah Show.

is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, senior fellow & approved supervisor with the American Association of Marriage & Family Therapy (AAMFT) and a certified family life educator with the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR). He has over 40 years experience working as a therapist, university & seminary professor and corporate consultant. He has authored over 20 books including: Mad about Us—Moving from Anger to Intimacy; and written over 350 journal & magazine articles. He is also Professor Emeriti of Psychology & Practical Theology and namesake of the Gary J. Oliver Endowed Chair of Marriage & Family & Relationships at John Brown University. He continues to teach, train, write and consult nationally and internationally about Emotional & Relational Intelligence (ERQ) and cultivating healthy relationships.